Words from Dawn Newsaper

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Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by farasat_ali »

consensus : Hum ahngi : Agreementinvasions :Charhai : The act of invadingInsurgent: Baghi: A person who rises in revolt against civil authorityBid: Boli Lagana: To invite; to call in; to request to come.Plunder: Lot Mar: robberySculpture: Mujasma Sazai: The art of carving, cutting, or hewing wood, stone, metalNovelty: Anokhi: strange thing.Briskly: Taizi Say: Utilitarian : Faida Mand : Useful,Attire : Labas: To dress; to array; to adornStifling: Gala Ghontna: To stop; to extinguishPragmatic : Nataiji: One skilled in affairs. Sanction : Tasdeeq, Jawaz, Hillat: Anything done or said to enforce the willDecree: Digri, Hukam: A determinationAlleged: Mansoob Karna: Supposed,Allege: Ilzam Dayna, Biyan Dayna: To bring forward with positivenessDisruptive: Tafarqa Dalnay Wala: Causing, or tending to cause, disruptionDeferred: Maltawi, Moakhar : Postponed,Nullify: Rad Karna : To make voidStrife: Ikhtalaf: Exertion or contention for superiorityPoise: Wazan Karna: The weight, or mass of metalRival : Mukhalif : To stand in competition withInception: Aghaz: BeginningDivulge: Fash Karna : To make public; to several or communicate to the public, DiscloseImmunity : Nijat : Freedom or exemption from any chargeTenor : Qareena : The higher of the two kinds of voices usually belonging to adult males, StrainComplicity : Saaz Baaz : The state of being an accomplice; participation in guilt.Ditch: Garha : Chuck, Dump, Trench,Endorse : Taid Karna, Tasdeeq Karna : Back, Certify, Indorse, Second, Support,Barring : Nakablay Tawajah : To restrict or confineAberration: deviation; abnormalityAbstruse: Difficult to comprehendAcumen: sharpness of mindAdroit: skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)Adulation: worship; great praiseAdvocate: supportAffability: friendliness; cordialityAffinity: kinshipAffluence: wealth; oppulenceAgnostic: unsure of the existence of godAlacrity: speed & eagerness; promptnessAlleviate: make less serve; reduceAltruism: self-sacrificeAmalgam: mixtureAmassed: accumulatedAmbiguous: vague; doubtful; equivocalAmeliorate: make better; improveAmiable: friendly; lovableAnachronistic: out of normal time range (Root -- chron always implies the time)Animosity: hostility; hatred; ill-willApathetic: lacking energy or interest; indifferenceArable: cab be cultivated; fit for pillowing (example: arable land)Arbitration: mediating between disputing sidesArboreal: living in trees (Root -- Arbor always relates to trees)Arcane: esoteric; obscure; known only to few peopleArchaic: old-fashionedArticulation: joining; speaking clearly; distinctAscertain: find out; make sureAstute: wise; mentally sharpAugment: increase in size or numberAural: through the sense of hearingAutocrat: absolute ruler; dictatorAutonomy: self-governmentBarrage: bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continous attackBelabor: over-emphasizingBelied: contradictedBelitters: people who criticize/disparageBenevolent: kindly; cheritableBoorishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behaviorBountiful: generousBrevity: briefness Bypass: avoid; find a way aroundByzantine: excessive; decadentCacophony: noise; dinCallous: cruel & unfeelingCandid: truthful; straight forward; free from prejudiceCapricious: whimsical; changeableCensure: criticize; blameCerebral: concerned with thinkingCircumstantial: accidental; indirect Insightful: perceptive; can be understoodInsipid: flavourless; blandInsolence: lack of respect; rudeness; impudenceInsolvent: bankruptInsufferable: can not be toleratedInsular: narrow-mindedInsurrectionist: rebel; combativeIntegrity: honor; honestyIntemperate: not moderate; excessiveIntermittent: on & off; not continous; spasmodicIntonation: tone of voiceintrigued: interested and curiousIntuition: sixth sense; gut feelingInvocation: prayerIrony: something unexpected; words to convey opposite meaningIrreproachable: can not be criticized; blameless (Reproach = critize)Irresolute: lacking firmness of purpose; hesitantIrreverence: lack of respectJaded: tired; boredJeopardize: put at risk; endangerJudicious: fair; wiseJuxtaposition: placing two things next to each otherKnack: trick; skillLackadaisical: lazy; careless; laxLamentable: regrettableLanguid: Lacking energy; weakLavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)Legitimate: to make legal; give approval toLibelous: open to prosecution forr libel (libel = written slander)Lithe: flexible; suppleLitigious: seeking legal remediesLobby: to try to persuade; entrance hallLucid: clear; explainedMagnanimous: generous minded; big-heartedMandate: permissionMandatory: compulsoryManifesto: statement of valuesManipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at handling peopleMarred: spoiled; ruinedMeager: small; scanty; unimportantMercenary: seeking money above all else; interested in money and gainMeticulous: thorough; taking care of detailsMiffed: annoyed; vexMitigate: moderate; reduce intensityModicum: tiny amountMomentous: of great importanceMonotonous: dull; repetitiveMorbidity: concern with death and diseaseMotley: varied; miscellaneousCircumvent: avoid; outwit; baffleCoalition: a union of two partsCeorce: compel; forceCognitions: mental knowledgeCompendious: containing a lot in a small space/few wordsConciliatory: bringing together; ending a dispute; soothingConcord: agreementCondone: tolerateConflagration: great fireCongenial: friendly; sociable; suitableConnoisseur: expert with good taste/ judgementConsecrate: dedicate; make holyConsummate: supremely goodContagious: passed on through touch; infectiousConvergence: coming togetherConvivial: sociableCopious: in large amountCorollary: consequence; inferenceCorpulence: very fat-nessCorroborated: supported; given supporting evidenceCredulity: belief on slight evidenceCumulative: building upCursory: superficialCurtail: cut shortDalliance: non-serious involvement; toying or playingDearth: shortage; lackingDebacle: disasterDebilitate: weakenDebunk: throw out old indeasDeferment: putting offDeleterious: harmfulDeliberation: careful thoughtDelineate: outlineDemagogue: mob leader; agitatorDemonstrative: expressing emotions freelyDenuded: strippedDepreciatory: devaluing; criticizingDerelict: rundown; abandonedDerided: mockedDespoiled: plunder; rob; depriveDevious: cunningDidactic: intending to preach or teach; an act of teachingDilatory: slow; sluggishDisarming: charming; unthreateningDiscernment: judgementDiscrepancy: inconsistencyDisillusioned: freed from wrong ideasDisingenuous: crafy; double dealingDisparaging: criticalDistension: swelling; distend; expandnifty;clever,adriot,smart,stylishnincompoop;foolish personniggle;fuss over details,find fault in petty mattershumdrum;dull,common placevanity;unreal thingvaliant;braveshrugged;to draw up shoulders or gesture of indifferencezit;pimplegig;engagement to play musicfret;worry,distressedwarped;distorted narcissism;excessive or erotic interest in oneselfpalpabel;that can be touched,readily percievedprofane;irrelevent,blasphemous,violatebludgeons;heavy club,coercevilify;defame,speak ill ofMultifarious: having many aspectsMyopic: short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)Naivete: innocence; lack of wordlinessNefarious: infamous; very wickedNegate: wipe out; nullifyNemesis: fate; doomNihilism: belief in nothing; anarchyNondescript: having no special qualities; ordinaryNotoriety: infamyObsequious: slavish; fawningOcclusion: shutting outOfficious: interferingOnerous: burdensomeOpacity: lack of transparency; being opaqueOpportunism: grabbing opportunitiesOpting: choosingOpulence: lavish display of wealthOrnate: extremely decoratedOverhaul: renovate; examinePalliative: sth that makes better but doesn`t cure; easy painPathos: sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomyPaucity: scarcity; shortagePeer: An equal; to look closely atPeevishness: childish sullenness; irritabilityPenchant: tendency; leaning toward; likingPenurious: miserlyPerquisites: perks; sth you recieve for your jobPetulant: touchy; sulky; peevishPhlegmatic: calm; imperturbablePhobic: fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)Pilfer: steal; filch; rustlePlacid: peaceful; calm; serenePlaudits: praisePliant: flexiblePolarized: divided into two extremesPragmatism: practicalityPreclude: prevent; make impossiblePrecursor: forerunner; sth comes beforePredilection: liking for; penchantPresumption: assuming too muchProfundity: depth (of ideas/thoughts)Propensity: tendency; leaning predilectionProponent: supporterProsaic: ordinary; dullProspectus: brochurePrudent: wise; cautiousPunctilious: meticulousPurportedly: apparently claimingQuell: suppress; to stop sth such as protestsQuixotic: idealistic; impracticalRadical: revolutionaryDocile: obedient; subservientDubious: doubtfulEclectic: taking things from different sources; selectiveEffacement: wiping out; rub out; (self-effacement = excessive modesty)Egotistical: selfishElitist: favoring top group; snobElusive: difficult to pin downEmancipators: those who set others freeEmbellished: adorned; decoratedEmbittered: full of bitter feelingsEmbodiment: living example ofEmpathetic: exhibiting deep emotional understandingEmpiric: found by experiment/practiceEncompassed: included; surroundedEncroach: trespass; violateEndorsed: supportedEntourage: group of followers; retinue; cortegeEnvisioning: imagining; predictingEpitome: essence; typical example or symbol ofEquanimity: peace of mind; balance; calmEquitable: fair and equalEradicate: wipe out; removeErudition: learning; scholarly knowledgeEsoteric: obscure; arcane; known to fewEstrangement: separationEulogy: praiseExacerbate: make worseExasperation: frustration and annoyanceExcise: cut outExemplar: excellent example ofExonerated: proved not guilty; acquitExorbitant: excessiveExotic: strange; foreignExpeditious: speedy; hastenExtant: still in existence; opposite of extinctExtirpation: destructionExtol: praise; glorifyExtrapolate: predict on the basis of existing data; extendedFacile: over simplifiedFaction: section; group with common interestsFastidious: very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)Fawning: groveling; slavish; obsequiousFidelity: faithfulness; loyaltyFinagle: wheedle; wangle; trickFinesse: skillFitful: intermittent; on and off; not continousFlabbergast: shock; make speechlessFlag: to lose energy; to signalRambunctious: boisterous; highly exuberant; unrulyRancor: bitterness and bad feelingRatify: give approval to (official)Raze: known down, destroyReclusive: Avoid other people; solitaryRecrimination: blameRectitude: uprightnessRedolent: smelling of (literal or metaphoric)Regressive: moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)Rehash: revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without improvementRemiss: neglectfulRepertoire: range; set of skillsReprehensible: very bad; culpable; blame worthyReprieve: let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancelReprimanded: scoldedResilience: strength; ability to withstandResolute: firm of purposeRetraction: removal; taking backRhetoric: persuasive languageRobust: strong and sturdyRousing: stirring; full of enthusiasmRudimentary: elementary; basic; not developedSalvageable: can be savedSanctity: holinessSarcasm: sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or tauntingScouring: cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; combScrutinize: examine carefullyScuttled: sunk; foilSecluded: lonely; isolatedSedate: calm; placidSeditious: causing division or rebellionSedulous: thorough; eagerSerene: peacefulSermonize: give moral lectureShroud: a cover for dead body; to coverSlipshod: careless; untidySolace: comfortSolicitous: expressing care and concernSomber: gloomySophistry: devious logicSoporific: sleep inducing; sleep producerSporadic: intermittent; not continous; short stayedSpurned: shunned; rejected Squander: wasteSquelch: suppress; crushSteadfastness: loyalty; firmness of purposeStifling: suppressingStipulated: insistedSubstantiate: give supporting evidenceFloridity: floweriness in language; rednessFoil: frustrate; battle; defeatFormidable: inspiring awe; impressive and powerful difficultyFoster: support; encourageFoundered: sank; failed; stumbledFraudulent: crooked; intending to cheatFrugal: economical; parsimonyFurtive: secretiveFutile: useless; waste of time and effortGestures: signalsGlacial: icy; unfriendlyGlutton: greedy; spearing in eating and drinkingGrating: harsh; rasping; irritatingGratuitous: free; unwarrantedGrimy: dirtyHackneyed: commonplace; banal; over-usedHeterogeneity: variety; non-uniformityHilarity: great laughterHistronic: melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotionHolistic: whole; entireHubris: excessive pride; haughtinessHusbandry: careful management of resourcesIdiosyncratic: quirky; eccentric; unique to an individualIgominy: shameImperious: in a commanding mannerImpetuosity: impulsiveness; rashImpudent: cheeky; irrespectfulInane: sillyIncoherence: lack of clarityInconsequential: unimportantInconspicuous: not easily seen; indiscernibleIndiscriminate: without thought; random; carelessIndomitable: unshakeable; fearlessIndulgent: kindly; pamperingIneffable: cant be expressed in wordsIneptitude: lack of abilityInfelicity: unsuitabilility; inappropriatenessInfusion: influx; additionIngenuous: naiveIndigenous: native to a localityIndictment: charge; legal accusationInnocuous: harmlessInscrutable: not easy to comprehendSubversive: intending to overthrow; seditious; splitSucculent: juicySupplant: replace; usurpSupple: flexible; pliant; litheSurfeit: excessSustain: support; experienceSycophant: toady; servile flattererTactile: through the sense of touchTangential: off the point; irrelevantTemper: moderateTemperamental: volatile; changeableTemporize: put off; procratinate; delayTenacious: holding firmly to idea or purposeTherapeutic: medicinalThwarted: preventedTransitory: short-lived; not continousTeacly: too sweet; over sentimentalTremulous: hestitantTribulation: troubleTruculence: stubbornessUndermine: weakenUnequivocal: certain; undoubtfulUnwitting: not deliberatedUnyielding: not giving upVacillate: waver; hesitateValidated: proved rightValor: braveryVenality: corruptionVersatility: ability to do many thingsVex: annoyVicarious: experience indirectly; at secondhandVigilant: wary; watchfulVindication: proving right; acquittalVindictive: seeking revengeViscous: thick and stickyVolatile: evaporates easily; mercurial; easily angered; emotionalVoluminous: large; bulky; extensiveVulnerable: open to attack; susceptibleWaning: decliningWarped: twisted; distortedWary: cautiousWannow: sift; separate good from badWistful: sad; yearning; longing in a thoughtful wayWrath: anger
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.(MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH)
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Re: Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by kashif11s »

ye kiss liay hain dost
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Re: Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by farasat_ali »

kashif11s wrote:ye kiss liay hain dost
General knowledge k paper may aty hain tough words you have to tell its same and opposite meaningAlso for vocabulary
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.(MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH)
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Re: Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by zm_7206 »

good effort. keep it up.
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Re: Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by saira »

farasat_ali wrote:consensus : Hum ahngi : Agreementinvasions :Charhai : The act of invadingInsurgent: Baghi: A person who rises in revolt against civil authorityBid: Boli Lagana: To invite; to call in; to request to come.Plunder: Lot Mar: robberySculpture: Mujasma Sazai: The art of carving, cutting, or hewing wood, stone, metalNovelty: Anokhi: strange thing.Briskly: Taizi Say: Utilitarian : Faida Mand : Useful,Attire : Labas: To dress; to array; to adornStifling: Gala Ghontna: To stop; to extinguishPragmatic : Nataiji: One skilled in affairs. Sanction : Tasdeeq, Jawaz, Hillat: Anything done or said to enforce the willDecree: Digri, Hukam: A determinationAlleged: Mansoob Karna: Supposed,Allege: Ilzam Dayna, Biyan Dayna: To bring forward with positivenessDisruptive: Tafarqa Dalnay Wala: Causing, or tending to cause, disruptionDeferred: Maltawi, Moakhar : Postponed,Nullify: Rad Karna : To make voidStrife: Ikhtalaf: Exertion or contention for superiorityPoise: Wazan Karna: The weight, or mass of metalRival : Mukhalif : To stand in competition withInception: Aghaz: BeginningDivulge: Fash Karna : To make public; to several or communicate to the public, DiscloseImmunity : Nijat : Freedom or exemption from any chargeTenor : Qareena : The higher of the two kinds of voices usually belonging to adult males, StrainComplicity : Saaz Baaz : The state of being an accomplice; participation in guilt.Ditch: Garha : Chuck, Dump, Trench,Endorse : Taid Karna, Tasdeeq Karna : Back, Certify, Indorse, Second, Support,Barring : Nakablay Tawajah : To restrict or confineAberration: deviation; abnormalityAbstruse: Difficult to comprehendAcumen: sharpness of mindAdroit: skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)Adulation: worship; great praiseAdvocate: supportAffability: friendliness; cordialityAffinity: kinshipAffluence: wealth; oppulenceAgnostic: unsure of the existence of godAlacrity: speed & eagerness; promptnessAlleviate: make less serve; reduceAltruism: self-sacrificeAmalgam: mixtureAmassed: accumulatedAmbiguous: vague; doubtful; equivocalAmeliorate: make better; improveAmiable: friendly; lovableAnachronistic: out of normal time range (Root -- chron always implies the time)Animosity: hostility; hatred; ill-willApathetic: lacking energy or interest; indifferenceArable: cab be cultivated; fit for pillowing (example: arable land)Arbitration: mediating between disputing sidesArboreal: living in trees (Root -- Arbor always relates to trees)Arcane: esoteric; obscure; known only to few peopleArchaic: old-fashionedArticulation: joining; speaking clearly; distinctAscertain: find out; make sureAstute: wise; mentally sharpAugment: increase in size or numberAural: through the sense of hearingAutocrat: absolute ruler; dictatorAutonomy: self-governmentBarrage: bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continous attackBelabor: over-emphasizingBelied: contradictedBelitters: people who criticize/disparageBenevolent: kindly; cheritableBoorishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behaviorBountiful: generousBrevity: briefness Bypass: avoid; find a way aroundByzantine: excessive; decadentCacophony: noise; dinCallous: cruel & unfeelingCandid: truthful; straight forward; free from prejudiceCapricious: whimsical; changeableCensure: criticize; blameCerebral: concerned with thinkingCircumstantial: accidental; indirect Insightful: perceptive; can be understoodInsipid: flavourless; blandInsolence: lack of respect; rudeness; impudenceInsolvent: bankruptInsufferable: can not be toleratedInsular: narrow-mindedInsurrectionist: rebel; combativeIntegrity: honor; honestyIntemperate: not moderate; excessiveIntermittent: on & off; not continous; spasmodicIntonation: tone of voiceintrigued: interested and curiousIntuition: sixth sense; gut feelingInvocation: prayerIrony: something unexpected; words to convey opposite meaningIrreproachable: can not be criticized; blameless (Reproach = critize)Irresolute: lacking firmness of purpose; hesitantIrreverence: lack of respectJaded: tired; boredJeopardize: put at risk; endangerJudicious: fair; wiseJuxtaposition: placing two things next to each otherKnack: trick; skillLackadaisical: lazy; careless; laxLamentable: regrettableLanguid: Lacking energy; weakLavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)Legitimate: to make legal; give approval toLibelous: open to prosecution forr libel (libel = written slander)Lithe: flexible; suppleLitigious: seeking legal remediesLobby: to try to persuade; entrance hallLucid: clear; explainedMagnanimous: generous minded; big-heartedMandate: permissionMandatory: compulsoryManifesto: statement of valuesManipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at handling peopleMarred: spoiled; ruinedMeager: small; scanty; unimportantMercenary: seeking money above all else; interested in money and gainMeticulous: thorough; taking care of detailsMiffed: annoyed; vexMitigate: moderate; reduce intensityModicum: tiny amountMomentous: of great importanceMonotonous: dull; repetitiveMorbidity: concern with death and diseaseMotley: varied; miscellaneousCircumvent: avoid; outwit; baffleCoalition: a union of two partsCeorce: compel; forceCognitions: mental knowledgeCompendious: containing a lot in a small space/few wordsConciliatory: bringing together; ending a dispute; soothingConcord: agreementCondone: tolerateConflagration: great fireCongenial: friendly; sociable; suitableConnoisseur: expert with good taste/ judgementConsecrate: dedicate; make holyConsummate: supremely goodContagious: passed on through touch; infectiousConvergence: coming togetherConvivial: sociableCopious: in large amountCorollary: consequence; inferenceCorpulence: very fat-nessCorroborated: supported; given supporting evidenceCredulity: belief on slight evidenceCumulative: building upCursory: superficialCurtail: cut shortDalliance: non-serious involvement; toying or playingDearth: shortage; lackingDebacle: disasterDebilitate: weakenDebunk: throw out old indeasDeferment: putting offDeleterious: harmfulDeliberation: careful thoughtDelineate: outlineDemagogue: mob leader; agitatorDemonstrative: expressing emotions freelyDenuded: strippedDepreciatory: devaluing; criticizingDerelict: rundown; abandonedDerided: mockedDespoiled: plunder; rob; depriveDevious: cunningDidactic: intending to preach or teach; an act of teachingDilatory: slow; sluggishDisarming: charming; unthreateningDiscernment: judgementDiscrepancy: inconsistencyDisillusioned: freed from wrong ideasDisingenuous: crafy; double dealingDisparaging: criticalDistension: swelling; distend; expandnifty;clever,adriot,smart,stylishnincompoop;foolish personniggle;fuss over details,find fault in petty mattershumdrum;dull,common placevanity;unreal thingvaliant;braveshrugged;to draw up shoulders or gesture of indifferencezit;pimplegig;engagement to play musicfret;worry,distressedwarped;distorted narcissism;excessive or erotic interest in oneselfpalpabel;that can be touched,readily percievedprofane;irrelevent,blasphemous,violatebludgeons;heavy club,coercevilify;defame,speak ill ofMultifarious: having many aspectsMyopic: short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)Naivete: innocence; lack of wordlinessNefarious: infamous; very wickedNegate: wipe out; nullifyNemesis: fate; doomNihilism: belief in nothing; anarchyNondescript: having no special qualities; ordinaryNotoriety: infamyObsequious: slavish; fawningOcclusion: shutting outOfficious: interferingOnerous: burdensomeOpacity: lack of transparency; being opaqueOpportunism: grabbing opportunitiesOpting: choosingOpulence: lavish display of wealthOrnate: extremely decoratedOverhaul: renovate; examinePalliative: sth that makes better but doesn`t cure; easy painPathos: sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomyPaucity: scarcity; shortagePeer: An equal; to look closely atPeevishness: childish sullenness; irritabilityPenchant: tendency; leaning toward; likingPenurious: miserlyPerquisites: perks; sth you recieve for your jobPetulant: touchy; sulky; peevishPhlegmatic: calm; imperturbablePhobic: fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)Pilfer: steal; filch; rustlePlacid: peaceful; calm; serenePlaudits: praisePliant: flexiblePolarized: divided into two extremesPragmatism: practicalityPreclude: prevent; make impossiblePrecursor: forerunner; sth comes beforePredilection: liking for; penchantPresumption: assuming too muchProfundity: depth (of ideas/thoughts)Propensity: tendency; leaning predilectionProponent: supporterProsaic: ordinary; dullProspectus: brochurePrudent: wise; cautiousPunctilious: meticulousPurportedly: apparently claimingQuell: suppress; to stop sth such as protestsQuixotic: idealistic; impracticalRadical: revolutionaryDocile: obedient; subservientDubious: doubtfulEclectic: taking things from different sources; selectiveEffacement: wiping out; rub out; (self-effacement = excessive modesty)Egotistical: selfishElitist: favoring top group; snobElusive: difficult to pin downEmancipators: those who set others freeEmbellished: adorned; decoratedEmbittered: full of bitter feelingsEmbodiment: living example ofEmpathetic: exhibiting deep emotional understandingEmpiric: found by experiment/practiceEncompassed: included; surroundedEncroach: trespass; violateEndorsed: supportedEntourage: group of followers; retinue; cortegeEnvisioning: imagining; predictingEpitome: essence; typical example or symbol ofEquanimity: peace of mind; balance; calmEquitable: fair and equalEradicate: wipe out; removeErudition: learning; scholarly knowledgeEsoteric: obscure; arcane; known to fewEstrangement: separationEulogy: praiseExacerbate: make worseExasperation: frustration and annoyanceExcise: cut outExemplar: excellent example ofExonerated: proved not guilty; acquitExorbitant: excessiveExotic: strange; foreignExpeditious: speedy; hastenExtant: still in existence; opposite of extinctExtirpation: destructionExtol: praise; glorifyExtrapolate: predict on the basis of existing data; extendedFacile: over simplifiedFaction: section; group with common interestsFastidious: very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)Fawning: groveling; slavish; obsequiousFidelity: faithfulness; loyaltyFinagle: wheedle; wangle; trickFinesse: skillFitful: intermittent; on and off; not continousFlabbergast: shock; make speechlessFlag: to lose energy; to signalRambunctious: boisterous; highly exuberant; unrulyRancor: bitterness and bad feelingRatify: give approval to (official)Raze: known down, destroyReclusive: Avoid other people; solitaryRecrimination: blameRectitude: uprightnessRedolent: smelling of (literal or metaphoric)Regressive: moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)Rehash: revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without improvementRemiss: neglectfulRepertoire: range; set of skillsReprehensible: very bad; culpable; blame worthyReprieve: let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancelReprimanded: scoldedResilience: strength; ability to withstandResolute: firm of purposeRetraction: removal; taking backRhetoric: persuasive languageRobust: strong and sturdyRousing: stirring; full of enthusiasmRudimentary: elementary; basic; not developedSalvageable: can be savedSanctity: holinessSarcasm: sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or tauntingScouring: cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; combScrutinize: examine carefullyScuttled: sunk; foilSecluded: lonely; isolatedSedate: calm; placidSeditious: causing division or rebellionSedulous: thorough; eagerSerene: peacefulSermonize: give moral lectureShroud: a cover for dead body; to coverSlipshod: careless; untidySolace: comfortSolicitous: expressing care and concernSomber: gloomySophistry: devious logicSoporific: sleep inducing; sleep producerSporadic: intermittent; not continous; short stayedSpurned: shunned; rejected Squander: wasteSquelch: suppress; crushSteadfastness: loyalty; firmness of purposeStifling: suppressingStipulated: insistedSubstantiate: give supporting evidenceFloridity: floweriness in language; rednessFoil: frustrate; battle; defeatFormidable: inspiring awe; impressive and powerful difficultyFoster: support; encourageFoundered: sank; failed; stumbledFraudulent: crooked; intending to cheatFrugal: economical; parsimonyFurtive: secretiveFutile: useless; waste of time and effortGestures: signalsGlacial: icy; unfriendlyGlutton: greedy; spearing in eating and drinkingGrating: harsh; rasping; irritatingGratuitous: free; unwarrantedGrimy: dirtyHackneyed: commonplace; banal; over-usedHeterogeneity: variety; non-uniformityHilarity: great laughterHistronic: melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotionHolistic: whole; entireHubris: excessive pride; haughtinessHusbandry: careful management of resourcesIdiosyncratic: quirky; eccentric; unique to an individualIgominy: shameImperious: in a commanding mannerImpetuosity: impulsiveness; rashImpudent: cheeky; irrespectfulInane: sillyIncoherence: lack of clarityInconsequential: unimportantInconspicuous: not easily seen; indiscernibleIndiscriminate: without thought; random; carelessIndomitable: unshakeable; fearlessIndulgent: kindly; pamperingIneffable: cant be expressed in wordsIneptitude: lack of abilityInfelicity: unsuitabilility; inappropriatenessInfusion: influx; additionIngenuous: naiveIndigenous: native to a localityIndictment: charge; legal accusationInnocuous: harmlessInscrutable: not easy to comprehendSubversive: intending to overthrow; seditious; splitSucculent: juicySupplant: replace; usurpSupple: flexible; pliant; litheSurfeit: excessSustain: support; experienceSycophant: toady; servile flattererTactile: through the sense of touchTangential: off the point; irrelevantTemper: moderateTemperamental: volatile; changeableTemporize: put off; procratinate; delayTenacious: holding firmly to idea or purposeTherapeutic: medicinalThwarted: preventedTransitory: short-lived; not continousTeacly: too sweet; over sentimentalTremulous: hestitantTribulation: troubleTruculence: stubbornessUndermine: weakenUnequivocal: certain; undoubtfulUnwitting: not deliberatedUnyielding: not giving upVacillate: waver; hesitateValidated: proved rightValor: braveryVenality: corruptionVersatility: ability to do many thingsVex: annoyVicarious: experience indirectly; at secondhandVigilant: wary; watchfulVindication: proving right; acquittalVindictive: seeking revengeViscous: thick and stickyVolatile: evaporates easily; mercurial; easily angered; emotionalVoluminous: large; bulky; extensiveVulnerable: open to attack; susceptibleWaning: decliningWarped: twisted; distortedWary: cautiousWannow: sift; separate good from badWistful: sad; yearning; longing in a thoughtful wayWrath: anger
quite helpful farasat. thnx for that
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Re: Words from Dawn Newsaper

Post by farasat_ali »

will upload more. you people should also participate in it
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.(MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH)
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